Middle Grade Book Bags

Wednesday, February 12All DayChildren's RoomRye Public Library581 Washington Road., Rye, NH, 03870

Middle Grade Book Bags are a monthy event where librarians create a book bag with treats, swag, and a book from our collection. 

Bags are available starting the 2nd Wednesday of the month and you will have a few days to pick them up. You need to sign up by the final day of the previous month to receive the next month’s bag.  You will need to sign up once, and your registration is good until you call to cancel or age out of the program.

Please note: This is for youth in grades 3-5, and each youth member registering for a book bag MUST have an active library card without restrictions. Be sure to check your account prior to signing up.

In order to receive a book bag, you must registered on our website via this link: Middle Grade Book Bags Form.

No Registration Required